"What has been hidden is still a part of history. This docudrama casts a new light on the shadows of the past..."
Genre: Docudrama
Release Year: 2013
Duration: 60 minutes

If a person who disagrees with the government policy of the environment in which they live is called a dissident, then the first dissident in Macedonia was also the first Macedonian president: Methodija Andonov-Cento. Although he was respected and beloved by Tito and the people, he was sentenced to 11 years in prison for his opposition to the former regime. His 1957 death was a taboo subject, rarely mentioned in history books.
This documentary explores taboo topics which are not clearly written in Macedonian history. The film begins with some of these historical facts documented until 1969, the Helsinki Convention Agenda Human Rights, which is attended by all European countries.
Director Information:
Petar Dzurovski
"What has been hidden is still a part of history. This docudrama casts a new light on the shadows of the past..."
Genre: Docudrama
Release Year: 2013
Duration: 60 minutes
Directed by: Petar Dzurovski
Screenplay by: Petar Dzurovski
Produced by: Petar Dzurovski