Macedonian flag on Annapurna 1
Genre: Short - Documentary
Release Year: 2016
Duration: 23 minutes

Macedonian alpinist Zdravko Dejanovic climbed the Himalayas' Annapurna 1 on March 24th, 2014, and planted the Macedonian flag at the summit. Annapurna (8091 metres high) is considered one of the deadliest for mountaineers. Only about 200 people have set foot there. The Macedonian Federation of Mountain Sports said, 'The cruelty of nature and the agony of the climb, and especially during the descent, is made even harder by the enormous avalanches. The extremely low temperatures of about -50°C, accompanied by icy wind, resulting frostbites on the face and hands." This film documents Zdravko Dejanovic’s epic achievement.
Director Information:
Goran Vukik
Goran Vukik (1982) graduated film and TV editing at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius. He lives and works in Skopje as a video editor of documentary films, short films and commercials. He has directed several mountaineering documentary films.
Genre: Short - Documentary
Release Year: 2016
Duration: 23 minutes
Directed by: Goran Vukik
Leading Roles: Zdravko Dejanovic