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Nashe maalo (Our neighborhood) 1998

"It was an opportunity to influence an entire generation of children in Macedonia in the direction of mutual tolerance and respect..."

  • Genre: Children’s television program

  • Release Year: 1998

  • Duration: 23 minutes

  • Directed by: Igor Ivanov and Dritro Kasapi

  • Screenplay by: Ognen Georgiev, Sema Ali, Krisi Naumovska and Katerina Tocinski

  • Produced by: Robert Jazadziski and Refet Abazi - Common Ground Productions and Children's Television Workshop (now Sesame Workshop)

Nashe maalo (Our neighborhood) 1998

"Nashe maalo" is the first Macedonian children's television program created to promote intercultural understanding and to impart conflict resolution skills pertinent to children's everyday lives. Co-produced by Common Ground Productions and Children's Television Workshop (now Sesame Workshop), the show follows a diverse cast of ethnic Macedonian, Albanian, Turkish and Roma children as they grapple with issues such as prejudice, stereotypes, friendship and love. Five seasons were produced and broadcast on multiple television stations in Macedonia from 1998 to 2003.

Director Information:

Igor Ivanov and Dritro Kasapi

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