Princess Jack
Genre: Short - Documentary
Release Year: 2016
Duration: 7 minutes
Princess Jack is a short documentary about an 11-year-old boy with high-functioning autism, whose world is filled with fairytales and make-believe. The film follows Jack as he creates his first princess ballgown. This film is an intimate portrait of a unique and intelligent child, immersed in his own world, and fully supported by his caring family, dance instructors and sewing teacher.
Director Information:
Lesley Johnson
Lesley Johnson spent the last ten years in Yellowknife and returned to Toronto to work on her Masters in Film Production at York University. Her previous educational background includes environmental, wildlife and political studies. She became a filmmaker during her time in the North, training in Yellowknife, Amsterdam, and the West coast of Canada. Lesley was the Director of the Yellowknife Film Festival for several years.
Genre: Short - Documentary
Release Year: 2016
Duration: 7 minutes
Directed by: Lesley Johnson