The monk
Genre: Animated short - Drama
Release Year: 2018
Duration: 12 min
Directed by: Zharko Ivanov
In a small monastery, hidden in the rocky mountains along a lake far from civilization, a lonesome young monk paints frescos of saints on the walls. On a quiet sunny day, while fishing in his small rowboat in the middle of the lake, he suddenly hears female voices. Is he being tempted? Is his conscience being tested?
Director Information:
Zharko Ivanov
Zharko Ivanov, born in 1976, is a Russian and Italian language and literature graduate at the Philology Faculty in Skopje. In 2006, he attended the Film Art College in Sofia, Bulgaria, after which he completed a Masters in Cultural Studies at the University of Skopje and Masters in Animation Film Directing at the University of Audiovisual Arts. He founded the production company Flip Book, which has produced nearly 20 short animated, documentary and live action films. His animated trilogy, Round Trip, has been shown at more than 100 festivals around the world and won over 15 awards. From this trilogy, the MFF screened ‘Mary’ in 2016.
Genre: Animated short - Drama
Release Year: 2018
Duration: 12 minutes
Directed by: Zharko Ivanov
Screenplay by: Zharko Ivanov, Aleksandar Prokopiev
Produced by: Zharko Ivanov